EXERCISE: SCSN Quake M7.5 11 km NNW of Cholame, CA
M7.5, 11 km NNW of Cholame, CA2023-11-09 17:00:00 UTC (09:00:00 PST), 35.806N 120.356W, 6.5 km depth As of 09:00 PST:Event preceded by apparent foreshock,M6.5, 11 km NNW of Cholame, CA2023-11-09 16:55:00 UTC, 35.806N 120.356W, 2.0 km depth Media reports of rockslides blocking Tejon Pass, multiple fires in Wrightwood & near Cajon Pass, lifeline breaks at…
M7.8 Central Turkey
Feb. 6, 2023 01:17 UTCLocation: 37.201N 37.000E / 17.9 km depth On February 6, 2023, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake occurred in southern Turkey near the northern border of Syria. The earthquake was followed 11 minutes later by a magnitude 6.7 aftershock. The magnitude 7.8 earthquake resulted from strike-slip faulting at shallow depth. The event ruptured…
EXERCISE: Mw7.7 10 km NNW of Anza, CA
June 27, 2022, 09:30am (PDT) Mw7.7 Epicenter: 33.62N 116.72W, 10 km NNW of Anza, CA, z=8 km