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User Directory
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Last name | First name | Organization | Current location | View profile |
McGuire | Jeff | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute | Woods Hole, Massachusetts | jmcguire |
Toke | Nathan | Utah Valley University | Orem, Utah | toke |
Bellini | John | USGS/NEIC | Golden, Colorado | bellini |
Blanpied | Mike | USGS Reston | Reston, Virginia | mblanpied |
Pounders | Erik | USGS Pasadena | Pasadena, California | epounders |
Hudnut | Ken | USGS Pasadena | Pasadena, California | hudnut |
Scharer | Kate | USGS Pasadena | Pasadena, California | scharer |
Aspiotes | Aris | USGS Pasadena | Pasadena, California | aspiotes |
Blair | Luke | USGS Menlo Park | Menlo Park, California | lblair |
Sevilgen | Volkan | USGS Menlo Park | Menlo Park, California | vsevilgen |
Leeper | Robert | USGS Multi-Hazards / Landslides and Debris Flows | Pasadena, California | rleeper |
Jayko | Angela | USGS | Bishop, California | ajayko |
Briggs | Rich | USGS | Golden, Colorado | briggs |
Given | Doug | USGS | Pasadena, California | given |
DeLong | Stephen | USGS | Mounds View, Minnesota | sdelong |
Thomas | Valerie | USGS | , | vthomas |
Donovan | Jessica | USC | Los Angeles, California | jrdonova |
Vidale | John | USC | Los Angeles, California | vidale |
Walker | Robert | USC | , | rlwalker |
Walter | Steve | US Geological Survey/ Earthquake Hazards Team | Menlo Park , California | swalter |