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Website Features and Functionality
Tasks for July 20, 2009
- Schedule backups of Drupal database (John Yu) [done: backups up to external server every night.]
- Enable email notifications through website
- Correct mapping of user account information to LDAP server fields (Ellen, Tran)
- Enable password request/reset through website
- Ensure password changes propagate to all Linux clients (John Yu)
- Set up Drupal user accounts for all LDAP users (Tran, John Yu)
- Enable file uploads and management (Tran)
- Create "event page" content type (Tran, Ellen)
- Migrate content information from eqresponse to eqbeta site
- User profile information (Ellen, Tran)
- Earthquake events pages and discussions (Ellen, Tran)
- Create "live" instance of website, development will continue on present eqbeta site
- Duplicate eqbeta on current server for response.scec.org to point to (John Yu, Shang-Lin)
- Test round-robin patch (John Yu, Shang-Lin)
General Tasks
- File management
- Images: Enable image uploading. Review dependencies and settings for derivative settings for Image Assist.
- Files: Enable upload of other files besides images (documents, spreadsheets, Google Earth files)
- Video: Enable videostreaming (https://geosys.usc.edu/wiki/index.php/Drupal_Setup)
- Enable list, sort, and filter of listed information (contacts, files, etc.).
- Enhance search settings for user contact info, file upload, and other content.
- Content creation and management
- Restrict access to information to allow anonymous users to view teasers only (http://drupal.org/project/premium, http://drupal.org/node/109422).
- Require login to access and update information
- Create more informative "Access denied" page
- Redirect user to current page after login (currently set to go to <front> using Triggers and Actions)
- Display node's "lasted edited by" information (http://drupal.org/node/81242) and number of comments
- Create custom "event page" to start a new significant event page
- Enable adding content via email (http://drupal.org/node/200702); notify administrators with content updates (http://drupal.org/project/administration_notification)
- Restrict access to information to allow anonymous users to view teasers only (http://drupal.org/project/premium, http://drupal.org/node/109422).
- Receive and generate RSS feeds
- Filter and display feeds by area/region
- Discussion forums
- Create organization for discussion topics
- Dynamically feed discussion topics into "event pages"
- Profile information
- Enable mechanism/instructions for reset/request password
- Improve user profile layout (http://drupal.org/node/35728)
- Display directory information of all users (list, sort, filter, search capabilities)
- Sync profile updates between Drupal, LDAP, and CIS databases
- Notifications and feedback
- Enable webmail on website to check Gmail account (http://drupal.org/project/webmail_plus, http://drupal.org/project/mailman_manager)
- Enable notifications to users (http://drupal.org/project/messaging)
- Enable users to subscribe to notifications of updated content (http://drupal.org/project/notifications), comments (http://drupal.org/project/comment_notify), etc.
- Improve contact forms (http://drupal.org/project/contact_forms)
- Enable webforms (and/or polls) to collect feedback information
- Other capabilities
- Display field meeting locations in map, allow for submission of additional locations