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Thanks to Sinan Akciz and Jascha Polet for links and figures showing mainshock and aftershock locations from Kandilli Obs. and DEPREM. Figures from each are attached.
Here are their web sites:
The event epicenter is within a mountain range. Since the mechanism is thrust (east-west) but the preferred nodal plane is not indicated, it makes sense to look for east-west trending thrust-faulting-related features to the north and south of the epicenter. Tom Rockwell and I have begun to identify a series of features running on both the south and north margins of the mountain range, and a screen shot of these features (view towards the east) is attached.
Here are some fault and geology maps (1:500k) for reference.
Are there plans to share the ESA and ASI data, do you know? It would be great if we could get a supersite set up.
Attaching figure showing location of continuous GPS sites in the region that are archived at UNAVCO. Unfortunately, nearest sites (NSSP, DYR2, DYAR) don't have recent data files on UNAVCO or SOPAC, so not likely to get coseismic offsets from those locations anytime soon. Will keep looking on some other archives.
There is recent data from ZECK, but that's ~750 km away.
Here is an info from Government (strong Motion Group Site): One record from Bitlis (116 km from epicenter) has 102 gals peak acceleration. No other records yet.
Mehmet Celebi (USGS, Menlo Park)
{sorry about duplication. I was not sure first try went through.}
Fortunately, the Italian Space Agency has been acquiring COSMO-SkyMed (CSK) images of Van. I attach a PDF with a map of the image coverage and quicklook of the most recent image. I hope to get the CSK images this week.
Here is a screen capture from Google Earth (oblique view to NNW) showing the degraded scarp(s) that I think Tom is referring to. One appears to trend ENE from Golyazi (note a step to the north east of this village). A second, and slightly higher scarp appears to run through the village of Gedelova.
Today's earthquake in eastern Turkey may require an conference call to assist in the coordination our scientific and engineering response activities. The scope of the damage and number of casualties are unclear as of noon today. I anticipate we'll make a decision early tomorrow (Monday 10/24/11) on the need for a call either later in the day or early next week.
If you have any information regarding the situation on the ground please pass it along.
Thanks for you help. Regards,
John R. Filson
Acting Program Coordinator
Earthquake Hazards
U. S. Geological Survey
MS 905 Reston, Virginia 20192
Phone: 703-648-6785
Cell: 703-851-0383
Here's a map cobbled together from USGS data.