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Fault traces modified using ARIA ALOS2 interferogram, This data shows that the right-lateral and left-lateral fault traces do cross in the epicentral region. Other changes incude extension of several splay faults
KMZ File Summary
Last updated 7/11/19 09:05am Pacific
7.1 rupture trace update from S of 178
Updated: Sentinel-1 InSAR products
Sentinel-1 InSAR products
Revised rupture overview KMZ
From Roger Bilham:
The attached pdf and doc files contain time series for triggered slip in southern California. The excel file lists offsets on the 4 and 6 July , and a pdf figure summarizes the slip in map view, rounded to the nearest tenth of a mm. Feel free to share the data.
A new creepmeter is operating in the epicentral region on the Mw=6.4 rupture at 35.6189N, -117.5721E although significant afterslip is not anticipated here. Other creepmeters may be installed if access to suitable sites becomes available.
Teams from USGS and CGS have been working long days to collect perishable data. Below is a brief summary of activities completed working on both earthquakes, largely on the China Lake Naval Base. As noted, we have started to get permission to share these geotagged pieces of info, so expect updates soon from the teams.
A map will be uploaded shortly, but here is the list of items:
+ field measurements of offset (and/or separations)
+ 1 paired gps survey on rupture (no afterslip)
+ several existing campaign locations reoccupied on and off base
+ limited truck lidar south of highway 178
+ photos of rupture, some aerial
+ helicopter overflights with extensive photo documentation of rupture
+ dozens of measurements of offset (and/or separations) from base and off base
+ 3 paired GPS sites of to see if there is afterslip (1 off base) – not telemetered
+ 7 monuments from Agnew 2003 reoccupied with GPS
+ 16 seismic stations (on and off base, incl UCR stations) 3 off base are telemetered and available in real time, data collected from remainder in ~month
+ limited truck lidar along roads, locally more continuous truck lidar in region of high (2-3 m) slip
+ 5 nodal arrays in region of both ruptures (off base)
An additional 2 USGS Pasadena stations, and 3 UCR stations were installed today. Telemetry setup on the third station USGS ASL/Golden (CA03) was also completed, and all three of these stations are now delivering data to SCSN and have been integrated into the real-time system.
Last word from Elizabeth is that there are 3 more USGS ASL/Golden stations to be deployed.
UCR is expecting a large set of additional IRIS/PASSCAL instruments, but permitting for deployment on BLM land is now in question.
Great Effort by all the teams listed below for getting 16 seismic stations deployed and 5 nodal arrays so quickly!
All operational stations as of July 8, 2019:
USGS - Pasadena Stations (on base, no telemetry)
Team: Elizabeth Cochran, Nicholas van der Elst, Alan Yong
SV01 - 35°38'43.80"N, 117°28'39.36"W
SV02 - 35°53'7.74"N, 117°42'17.16"W
SV03- 35°46'13.80"N, 117°35'58.99"W
SV04 - 35°54'8.28"N, 117°42'6.36"W
SV05 - 35°43'20.57"N, 117°34'18.91"W
SV06 – 35°36'4.27"N, 117°22'51.90"W
SV07 - 35°41'51.47"N, 117°36'11.34"W
SV08 – 35°34'33.99"N, 117°25'7.15"W
USGS - ASL/Golden Stations (off base, w/telemetry)
Team: Dan McNamara, Emily Wolin
CA01 - 35°39'54.00"N, 117°25'26.40"W (Streaming, integrated w/ SCSN RT system)
CA02 - 35°49'44.95"N, 117°21'19.60"W (Streaming, integrated w/ SCSN RT system)
CA03 - 35°37'19.34"N, 117°34'8.80"W (Streaming, integrated w/ SCSN RT system)
UC Riverside Stations (off base, no telemetry)
Team: Matt Mendoza, Shanko Niyogi, Abhijit Ghosh
RCS01 - 35°38'23.21"N, 117°40'4.55"W
RCS02 - 35°46'44.40"N, 117°22'22.80"W
RCS03 - 36°20'24.00"N, 117°28'15.60"W
RCS04 - 35°50'30.37"N, 117°52'58.44"W
RCS05 - 35°30'36.00"N, 117°36'52.92"W
USGS Nodal Arrays
Team: Rufus Catchings, Joanne Chan, Coyn Criley, Dan Langerman, Zhenning Ma, Adrian McEvily
Line 1 - 35°37'5.64"N, 117°34'22.93"W [30 3C nodes, 100m apart, 3km]
Line 2 - 35°32'14.98"N, 117°39'47.80"W [30 3C nodes, 100m apart, 3km]
Line 3 - 35°26'58.39"N, 117°45'45.67"W [30 3C nodes, 100m apart, 3km]
Line 4 - 35°18'3.38"N, 118° 0'8.87"W [30 3C nodes, 100m apart, 3km]
Line 5 - 35°28'12.43"N, 117°35'26.85"W [24 3C nodes, 100m apart, 2.4km]
See the attached summary from Rufus Catchings of the nodal deployment
Attached below is a similar Google Earth image of the deployment from previous days:
Purple Square: USGS Pasadena Stations
Blue Diamonds: USGS ASL/Golden
Green Triangles: UCR
Cyan Triangles: USGS Nodal Lines
Permanent Stations and 7-days seismicity layers also shown.
Word in from Ben Brooks:
I just heard from Margo and we have green light to share geotagged photos and kmzs of thingss like gps stations, seismic stations. All of these photos are presumed to have passed through their screening, but, just in case, these photos should never show installations*, and the kmzs of site locations should never provide descriptions of, nor be in, the Navy's installations on base. *I assume this means base installations, not installations of instruments. Thank you to anyone who worked to take the lat/longs down until we had clearance.I assume the word has gotten out about (severe) restrictions on Navy Base (NAWS) land.
It turns out there are also major permitting issues on BLM land, which includes much of the land to the south of the rupture. The rules have tightened a lot since the deployments some of us remember, circa 1992, 1995, etc. "Anything bigger than a pencil-sized hole" in the ground requires a permit. A few instruments went out right after the earthquake, and the BLM has indicated that those can be approved after the fact, but they have said a hard no to any more instruments on BLM land. The nodal instruments that Rufus Catchings deployed this weekend are along the roadway, but any extension away from the road would get into BLM land within 10s of feet. Valerie said she would work with a colleague to put together a map that shows the perimeters of base and BLM land. Anything outside both perimeters would be private, so permitting would be done with individual landowners.
The files are large, but you can pull down kmz and other files. Can rerun with other illumination directions (may need to log in on MyOpenTopo--easy to register). Results should persist for a week:
M7.1 northern portion:
M7.1 southern portion:
M6.4 to intersection:
We've released a 2m pre-event stereogrammetric DEM on Open Topography spanning the event for community use. Please feel free to use or to distribute to folks in the field. This is an early results from the forthcoming SCEC-funded CaliDEM
Most recent talking points are attached, reviewed and updated at 10p 8Jul by Morgan Page and at 530a 9 Jul by me.
We will continue to post updates and they become available.
Edited to remove UCERF runs, which are not cleared for release. If you downloaded the earlier version, please do not share any further.
This is a rupture overview KMZ generated from the following sources:
Optical image correlation from Chris Milliner
Satellite image-based mapping by Andreas Schafer
Rupture observations from many persons, compiled by Dan Ponti
Outlines of southern rupture areas provided by Ian Pierce
This map is preliminary and designed to facilitate planning of airborne surveys and instrumentation. This map is not intended for publication.
KMZ of China Lake Naval Weapons Center and Randsburg Unit, generated from the Military Installations, Ranges, and Training Areas (MIRTA) FY18 dataset.
Next Clearinghouse briefing #5 will be on Tuesday, July 9, 2019 at 7:00 PM Pacific Time. See notes from previous days' briefings attached to comments in this thread.
In-person Location:
For those in the field now, you are encouraged to attend the briefing in person. The physical clearinghouse location is at:
California Earthquake Clearinghouse
Red Rock Canyon room
Kerr McGee Building
100 W California Avenue
Ridgecrest, CA
(near Freedom Park at the back entrance of building, by Red Cross activities)
Virtual GoToMeeting connection information:
Web Link:
Call-in Phone number: +1 (646) 749-3122
Access Code: 816-876-797
The UCR group (Gareth Funning and Keith Richards-Dinger) are back from an extended day trip to the Ridgecrest area today. We serviced two sites which we will probably leave for the medium term (PNCL and H701), and took down three receivers from the southwest of the area (F48, J701, ATOL), and shifted them to new locations in the northwest (BM25, GS04, V511). Thus, we have five stations out in total.
David Sandwell reports that his team deployed 4 NETRS receivers (at sites GS17 GS48 GS20 and GS22). These are setup at 5 seconds and with solar panels so could theoretically run for several weeks. They did not gain access to the Navy base. Yuri FIalko plans to visit tomorrow (7/9) with six receivers.
We saw a USGS receiver at FORK, but otherwise do not know where their stations are located.
Locations of surveyed sites and possible targets are included in the attached kmz file.
Attached are kmz files of fault traces drawn from the optical correlaiton results (attached in previous message above).
Attached are the geotiffs for the 7.1 and part of 6.4 rupture. Others at Clearinghouse should already have received this same result the morning of July 8th.
For each area there are two files (east-west, and north-south), which constrain the direction of surface displacement.
Units are in meters.
Projection info:
WGS 84, Zone 11
Images used: Planet Scope (3 m resolution).
Post images: July 6th
Pre images: stated in filename
Next briefing #4 will be on Monday, July 8, 2019 at 7:00 PM Pacific Time. See notes from previous days' briefings attached to comments in this thread.
In-person Location:
For those in the field now, you are encouraged to attend the briefing in person. The physical clearinghouse location is at:
California Earthquake Clearinghouse
Red Rock Canyon room
Kerr McGee Building
100 W California Avenue
Ridgecrest, CA
(near Freedom Park at the back entrance of building, by Red Cross activities)
Virtual GoToMeeting connection information:
Web Link:
Call-in Phone number: +1 (571) 317-3122
Access Code: 732-357-453
Please feel free to forward the call information to other colleagues who are or may be planning to conduct reconnaissance. Those wishing to be added to the distribution list should contact Van Nguyen at
I was able to doubly-integrate the accelerogram at Caltech seismic station CLC to obtain a static offset. The station is located at 35.81574 N, -117.59751 E, or about 2.25 km from the fault trace reported by Chris Milliner. The station moved approximately 1.2 m in the N 160 E direction. For a vertical strike slip fault, the fault movement would need to be at least 2.4 m to produce this displacement.
The attached figure shows the acceleration (m/sec^2), velocity (m/s) and displacement (m). Note that the vertical component doesn’t integrate cleanly.
Photos of vertical offset and road damage [and repair :( ] along Hwy 178 and in Trona. Lat/long coordinates (approximate) are included in file names. July 7, 2019, accompanying SIO GPS deployment.
An additional 5 USGS Pasadena stations, 3 USGS ASL/Golden stations, and 1 UCR station were installed today. Two of the three stations installed by the ASL/Golden team are in SIS and streaming data to SCSN! The USGS Pasadena stations are all located on Base and cellular telemetry was not allowed. The 3 USGS ASL/Golden stations are off Base and tomorrow they will work to get the telemetry on the third station (CA03) going. UCR stations and the "on Base" stations are currently recording locally only.
Stations installed today:
USGS - Pasadena (on base, no comms)
SV02 - 35°53'7.74"N, 117°42'17.16"W
SV03- 35°46'13.80"N, 117°35'58.99"W
SV04 - 35°54'8.28"N, 117°42'6.36"W
SV05 - 35°43'20.57"N, 117°34'18.91"W
SV07 - 35°41'51.47"N, 117°36'11.34"W
USGS - ASL/Golden
CA01 - 35°39'54.00"N, 117°25'26.40"W (Streaming)
CA02 - 35°49'44.95"N, 117°21'19.60"W (Streaming)
CA03 - 35°37'19.34"N, 117°34'8.80"W (Not quite streaming yet, team will trouble shoot tomorrow)
Stn02 - 35°46'44.40"N, 117°22'22.80"W (no Comms)
Image attached, similar to yesterday with USGS -ASL/Golden now shown as Blue diamonds.
I haven't checked yet as there wasn't imagery available at the time. But I'm pretty confident there must be, as there is ~3 m of displacement at the southernmost part of what I could resolve. I should be able to get a result tomorrow to obtain surface measurements.
UNAVCO has 20 campaign GPS systems to loan if needed (
5Hz data is being downloaded for sites within 1000km (~700 stations).
Staff will manually download/repair communications at 3 offline GNSS stations 90-120 km from epicenter (Shoshone/Death Valley) on Monday/Tuesday. BSM site B918 at the north end of China Lake NAWS (~8 km east of northern rupture) is offline (lightning pre-earthquakes) but recording seismic data. A field visit will be scheduled after the Base grants access to UNAVCO (we’re trying to stay out of the way).
Borehole and GPS/GNSS results as well as a discussion geodetically derived magnitude estimates can be viewed at: These include BSM and GPS sites on China Lake NAWS.
Let me know if anyone is interested in co-locating geophysical equipment at P595 or other nearby NOTA stations. There may be access/permitting challenges but now is a good time.
Next briefing #3 will be on Sunday, July 7, 2019 at 7:00 PM Pacific Time. See notes from previous days' briefings attached to comments in this thread.
In-person Location:
For those in the field now, you are encouraged to attend the briefing in person. The physical clearinghouse location is at:
California Earthquake Clearinghouse
Red Rock Canyon room
Kerr McGee Building
100 W California Avenue
Ridgecrest, CA
(near Freedom Park at the back entrance of building, by Red Cross activities)
Virtual GoToMeeting connection information:
Web Link:
Call-in Phone number: +1 (872) 240-3311
Access Code: 170-154-741
Please feel free to forward the call information to other colleagues who are or may be planning to conduct reconnaissance. Those wishing to be added to the distribution list should contact Van Nguyen at
Hi All,
Just got back to the US last night and am trying to figure out what's going on in terms of the seismic deployments that are taking place. There are two stations deployed Saturday 4/6/2019 by UCR and USGS teams.
The USGS Pasadena RAMP station SV01 is located ~400 meters south of Hwy178 near the right lateral surface rupture from the M7.1 event.
The UCR station is deployed in the open lot south of the SpringHill Suites in Ridgecrest.
Use the link below to get a png map showing the seismicity, the existing permanent stations, and the two RAMP stations.
From Elizabeth Cochran 6-July-2019
Station lat/lon:
USGS (Pasadena) - SV01 (purple square): 35.6455, -117.4776
UCR - Site 1 (green triangle): 35.63978, -117.66793
[maroon dots are permanent stations]
I was interrupted from continuing to post the data from the July 5 (01:42 UTC) Copernicus Sentinel-1 ARIA interferogram of track A166 by the M7.1. I have now uploaded a KMZ of the wrapped interferograms and GeoTIFF versions of the unwrapped interferograms converted to range change in meters to the aria-share site ( I attach a map from the range change data with the earthquakes M>4 before the satellite acquisition.
We have not yet stitched the two frames together, so there are separate files for the northern and southern frames of A166.