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  • hudnut
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 36 weeks ago

    Pre-event imagery is available from the USGS EROS DC HDDS server. Contact Brenda Jones for user name and password if interested. See full message appended below. Zhong Lu at USGS EROS DC is imagery coordinator for this event, and he can also provide you with this information. Also, ask to be placed on their e-mail distribution list for updates.

    Also, Luke Blair made the attached KMZ file that contains links to the air photos, photo locations and other information. I cannot get this to work, but please go ahead and try it - if anyone gets it to work, or if anyone figures out the bug fix, please e-mail Luke and cc' me.

    Thank you!

    - - -

    Begin forwarded message:

    From: "Brenda Jones" <bkjones@usgs.gov>
    Date: April 12, 2010 9:59:07 AM EDT
    Subject: Mexico imagery on HDDS

    We are in the process of downloading post event satellite imagery and the photos from Ken Hudnut.  I will send out a notice when they are available.



    GEOEYE_NTF folder
    - added  PRE GE 48 images

    QUICKBIRD_NTF folder
    - added PRE QB 17 images

    WORLDVIEW_NTF folder
    - added PRE WV 31 images


    LANDSAT_ETM+_USGS folder
    - added PRE L7 6 images

    LANDSAT_TM_USGS folder
    - added PRE L5 4 images

    - shapefiles updated

    Brenda K. Jones
    Disaster Response Coordinator
    USGS EROS Center
    47914 252nd St
    Sioux Falls, SD 57198
    Phone 605.594.6503
    Fax      605.594.6150
    Email: bkjones@usgs.gov
    CELL: 605-321-3995

  • seitz
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 36 weeks ago

    Up to 2 cm of triggered slip on the SAF in the Mecca Hills reported by Ray Weldon who is currently in the field. So far this slip has been observed between Painted and Thermal Canyons.

  • seitz
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 36 weeks ago


  • Treiman
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 36 weeks ago

    Mike - I am just catching up on some of the postings.  We (CGS & USGS geologists) have mapped rupture northward from the border on the two principal splays of the Laguna Salada Fault.  We have also mapped significant rupture (up to 4.5 cm) on a previously unmapped northeast trending fault within the Yuha basin.

  • hudnut
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 36 weeks ago

    Attached are screen shots showing Prof. John Fletcher's latest compilation of surface fault breaks (red lines) and the GPS track from the air recon and ground mapping efforts by the CICESE group. The first is an overview of the air recon flight track, and the second is a detail showing the NW portion in which most of the surface faulting is located.

  • cochran
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 36 weeks ago

    Eight seismometers were deployed on April 6 & 7 just North of the California-Mexico border by teams from UCSB, UCR, and SDSU. The seismometers include: 1) three SCEC PBIC stations: two Q330 recorders with L4 (weak motion sensor) and EpiSensors (strong motion sensor) sensors and cell modems and one of the old RefTek recorders also with an L4 and EpiSensor and 2) five UCR stations with new RefTek recorders with L4 and EpiSensors. The two stations with cell modems had unreliable connections, so it is not clear if data will be uploaded in real time. All stations are recording data continuously at 100 sps. Data is recorded on site and will be recovered in subsequent site visits. The attached map shows the station locations with SCEC PBIC stations shown in maroon, UCR stations shown in blue, and SCSN stations shown in light green.

  • dagnew
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 36 weeks ago

    Here is another version of the DD locations (which I extracted from
    Bob Dollar's file). I've shown depth as altitude, and added time (so you
    need to open the time bar to see the events). This, and the divison into
    folders, makes it possible to see the time evolution in more detail.
    I've included all the SCSN locations that have not been redone, as well,
    to show what happens well N of the mainshock.

    To allow the symbols to fade with time, several icons are used for each
    earthquake, so they will appear to be multiple in many cases if you click
    on a symbol.

  • hauksson
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 36 weeks ago

    Attached is the latest Google Earth KML for the Double-Difference
    relocations for the period 2010-03-20 through 2010-04-10 22:12z.

    Also attached is a Goggle Earth screen shot of the same.

    As before,
    M < 3 orange circles
    3 <= M < 4 red circles
    4 <= M < 7 red stars
    M > 7 purple star

    every event is clickable for parametric info

    Expand tree on left for detailed time sequencing.

    Google Earth graphics are done by Bob Dollar

  • stock
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    Dr Raul Castro of CICESE sent the attached map on Friday afternoon showing the IRIS-Passcal seismometers that were deployed in Mexico so far. There are still 2 Mexican teams in the field deploying the rest of the IRIS seismometers.  The 3 Caltech/UABC seismometers (deployed by Dr Octavio Lazaro-Mancilla of UABC Mexicali) are not shown on this map, but they are in the following 3 locations: central Mexicali, the Mexicali airport, and the city of Guadalupe Victoria (east of the southern zone of aftershocks).

  • hudnut
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    Attached are a screen shot and KML file set, including the GPS track collected by Prof. John Fletcher of CICESE during the initial helicopter reconnaissance flight on 6 April 2010. The track log is also attached separately as a KML file.


    Also, all of the full-resolution photos mentioned in the earlier posting have been uploaded to the anonymous ftp site.


    Again, here is the URL for these photos:



  • hudnut
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    The photos taken during helicopter reconnaissance on Tues., 6 April 2010 from two of the cameras on board are being made available at full resolution on an anonymous ftp area. Upload is in progress; here is the URL:



    Camera 1 is a Ricoh with integrated GPS unit that was operated by Prof. Javier Gonzalez-Garcia of CICESE. These are frames #1-179.

    Camera 2 is a Nikon D90 with 'GP-1' GPS unit that I operated; frames #180-1769 (some photos used this camera but were taken by the helicopter pilot).

    Also, attached is a figure showing an overlay of some other information (fault breaks, seismicity, geological map) on top of the initial InSAR image from the Supersites web page that was posted by Eric Fielding on response.scec.org earlier - again, here is the URL for this site:   http://supersites.unavco.org/baja.php#Fri1

    As you can see there are a couple of implications emerging:

    1) Most of the big displacement at the ground surface of this earthquake is in the Sierra Cucapa (not in the Sierra El Mayor) - yet the current name of the event strongly emphasizes epicentral location, but the geologists feel that perhaps the current name for the earthquake is a misnomer. We might change the name again, upon further review and discussion. Any comments on this?

    2) The InSAR seems to indicate that not much rupture occurred farther to the NW of what we saw from the helicopter -- although there are aftershocks extending north of the border and people have been reporting small slip on faults north of the border, it seems that the main slip (perhaps at depth as well as at the surface) is confined south of the border. It will be interesting to see how the various modeling of seismological data, InSAR and GPS are able to constrain slip at depth at the NW end, of course and any changes indicating migration of seismicity or deformation.





  • fielding
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    The NASA/JPL airborne repeat-pass L-band InSAR system, UAVSAR will start the first San Andreas 'lawn mowing' flight of 2010 on Monday, April 12. The plan also contains one line over the Salton Sea, making it a total of 14 lines repeating flight lines flown in 2009. These lines should capture all of the deformation from the April 4th earthquake that we can measure with UAVSAR. The attached map shows the coverage of the planned lines. Note that there is an FAA long-range radar station at Mt. Laguna that does not allow radar imaging within a radius of 10 nautical miles (20 km), which causes gaps in many of the lines. For more information please see flightplans at JPL.

  • beroza
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    For anyone doing fieldwork in Mexico, Jim Brune would like to get a photograph from a point on Highway 2 at latitude: 32 32 47 N and longitude: 116 02 39 W, of the spires on the skyline to the north.  Please send the photo to Jim (brune@unr.edu) and post a copy to the SCEC response website.




  • oskin
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    Airborne Lidar: Please comment on the AOIs defined in the attached KML. The main AOI that covers the ruptures of the Borrego fault, Laguna Salada fault, and Pescaderos fault will be submitted Monday as part of the NSF RAPID proposal for airborne post-event lidar. The northern AOI, or other AOIs, would require funding beyond what will be proposed to NSF. However, once the aircraft is in the area the cost of adding coverage is relatively inexpensive.

    Ground-based Lidar: Teams from UC Davis and University of Kansas / UNAVCO will converge on the Borrego fault rupture on Tuesday (assuming that customs goes smoothly). Two TLS instruments will be conducting high resolution scans of the fault rupture for the next week. We will be working in collaboration with the geology field teams led by John Fletcher and Tom Rockwell.

    Air Photos: Tom Rockwell reports that air photos are being flown for free by Eric Frost. There are also reports that INEGI may fly post-event aerial photography soon.



  • baagaard
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    The attached PDF file from Nancy King summarizes the USGS activities for the Baja earthquakes on 4/9/2010.



  • hstenner
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    Need a hand?  I will be in the affected area early next week looking primarily at liquefaction, faulting, and infrastructure response.  I can prolong my time in the field if anyone needs an extra hand.  I'm a geologist by training for those who don't know, and have experience with post-eq response, landslide analysis, and paleoseismology.

    Please send me an email at hstenner@gmail.com or a call on my cell at 650-906-6180.

    Heidi Stenner



  • fielding
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    David Sandwell and Matt Wei have posted a preliminary ALOS PALSAR interferogram from the ascending path 213 at the GEO Supersite page: http://supersites.unavco.org/baja.php#Fri1

    Unfortunately, that path covers the area just to the west of the ruptures, so it doesn't help much to locate the rupture locations.


  • bwcrowel
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    We have created a preliminary finite-fault slip model for the Sierra El Mayor Earthquake.  We used 3-D coseismic vectors from continuous GPS, computed in post-processing at SOPAC using GAMIT/GLOBK.  The fault geometry is 65 km long, 20 km deep, striking at 320 degrees and dipping towards the west at 80 degrees.  The computed moment magnitude from our model is 7.15, mostly strike slip, with a magnitude between 1.2 and 1.7 meters, reaching a maximum near the hypocenter.

    The figure sierramayor_slip.jpg is the slip on the eastern block with respect to the western block. 

    Please check the GPSExplorer page for more information, including rapid high-rate results



    (create your own account and go to "Earthquakes" tab)


    Brendan Crowell and Yehuda Bock

  • herring
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

     Attached are the rapid analysis coseismic offsets from the combined PBO and USGS solutions for two days before and after the main shock.   These results differ from the earlier analyses in that these are based on the complete PBO/SCIGN analyses (>1000 sites) whereas the earlier analyses used just 50-53 sites around the Salton Sea.  The network for the earlier analysis was too small with the northern part of that network being displaced by ~10 mm which results in these more complete results showing an additional 10 mm of southern motion for most sites.  

  • rgraves
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    Attached figure compares observed peak ground velocity (PGV) with values from obtained from my initial 3D ground motion simulation. There are a total of 114 sites (CI network only) extending from just north of the international border to beyond the San Fernando basin (region covered by the simulation can be seen in the animation posted earlier today).

    The rupture model used in this simulation (800-v1.0) has a moment of 7.8e+26 dyne-cm which gives a magnitude of Mw 7.22.

    In the figure, I plot the natural logarithm of the ratio of simulated to observed PGV as a function of observed PGV. The results are displayed for two bandwidths: f < 0.2 Hz (5 sec) and f < 0.5 Hz (2 sec). These peak values are measured from the observed and simulated three-component waveforms after low pass filtering.

    In general, the simulated values tend to overpredict the observations by about 30% for both frequency bands. This suggests that the moment used in the simulation is too high. Scaling the moment down by 30% would give a value of 6.0e+26 dyne-cm and thus reduce the magnitude to Mw 7.15, which is entirely plausible.

    There is also a clear trend of decreasing over-prediction for increasing observed PGV values (i.e., simulation has larger over-prediction for low observed PGV compared to the higher observed PGV values). This may represent a distance trend where the more distant sites (lower observed PGVs) have larger overprediction by the simulation compared to the closer sites (higher observed PGV). This would suggest the Q used in the simulation might be too high (I use Qs = 50 * Vs, Vs in km/s; Qp = 2 * Vs). However, since the trend is about the same for both frequency bands, anelastic attenuation may not be the only culprit. Other factors (e.g., basin amplification, wave guide effects, etc.) may certainly be coming into play as well, so this needs to be investigated further.

  • walls
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    Data: UNAVCO has collected contemporaneous borehole strainmeter and borehole seismometer data from the PBO network and made these data available via links from the UNAVCO event page (http://www.unavco.org/research_science/science_highlights/2010/M7.2-Baja.html). In addition, 5 Hz GPS data for a 5-day window spanning the event was downloaded from PBO stations within 200 km of the northern terminus of the fault rupture. These data are available via anonymous FTP, linked from the UNAVCO event page above.

    InSAR: In response to the event, UNAVCO placed an order for 22 Envisat scenes on tracks 77, 84, and 306 spanning the pre-event time period from January 2009 through March 2010. These have been delivered and are now available through the WInSAR search interface: http://winsar.unavco.org/search.php (WInSAR account required to download). The same scenes are also soon to be available from the Supersite web page and data node: http://supersites.unavco.org/baja.php#SAR (ESA-EOLI account required to download). Future acquisitions of Envisat scenes have been requested, as well as future acquisitions for ERS2 and ALOS PALSAR. The Supersites page is the best place to monitor requested acquisitions and data as it becomes available.

    Education and Outreach/Web Presence: The following sites have actively been updated with UNAVCO and Community results and comments:
    UNAVCO Highlights: http://www.unavco.org/research_science/science_highlights/2010/M7.2-Baja.html
    Supersites: http://supersites.unavco.org/baja.php
    PBOWeb: http://pboweb.unavco.org/
    UNAVCO Web Forum: http://www.unavco.org/voce/viewforum.php?f=48

    TLS: David Philips has offered UNAVCO's new Leica ScanStation C10 to the community and is coordinating with Doug Walker at University of Kansas.  The Leica TLS will be shipped to the UNAVCO San Clemente office for Mike Oskin, Doug Walker et al. to pick up Monday or Tuesday of next week (April 12,13).

    Campaign GPS: Freddy Blume has offered 20 Topcons for a 4-6 week deployment to the community and to investigators who are currently deploying their own equipment.

    Permanent GPS: We are working with Rick Bennet and Javier Gonzales-Garcia to submit a RAPID proposal for 7-8 stations in two transects across the fault zone.  We have engineers available to assist in the installations.  Reconnaissance and permitting have yet to be completed and will be a priority.

  • baagaard
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    The attached PDF file from Nancy King summarizes the USGS activities for the Baja earthquakes as of 4/8/2010.


  • ccrosby
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    Attached is a Google Earth KMZ file showing a refined AOI for the proposed LiDAR collection.  Polygons were defined by Mike Oskin and Ramon Arrowsmith.  Feedback on the targets is welcome.

  • stock
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    Attached  is a PDF of a scan of Barnard's cross sections.  These are E-W cross sections going from N to S at 1:1 scale.  He describes the Borrego fault as dipping 50 to 60 degrees to the NE and having primarily dip slip offset.  He describes the Pescadores fault as dipping 50 to 60 degrees to the NE

    The full citation is "Structural Geology of the Sierra de Los Cucapas, Northeastern Baja California, Mexico, and Imperial County, California" by Frederick L Barnard, PhD thesis, Univ. of Colorado, 157 pages, 1968.

  • baagaard
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    Brief description of Rockwell rupture images provided by Sinan Akciz.

    329 – offset of old high way 2 near Cerro Centinela. Note that most lateral slip occurred on the secondary faults, whereas the dip slip occurred primarily on the bounding primary fault. Slip here was about 60 cm vertical and 120 cm lateral.
    331 – 2nd fault with strike slip
    2023 – Secondary fault is area if distributed slip showing ~30 cm right lateral
    2030 – rupture through previously offset channel showing long term motion
    2047, 2048, 2049 – offset channel and ridge. Note striae on fault surface indicating direction of motion
    2050 – offset channel
    2052 – offset channel
    2056 – Offset channel, Eulalia Masana for scale
    2060 – small pull-apart on secondary strike slip fault
    2062 – offset channel, Eulalia Masana for scale
    2063 – offset channels and ridge lines
    2068 – distributed slip on multiple primary breaks
    2069 – measuring direct slip vector on the primary rupture. Note striae and mullions on fault surface are parallel to slip in 2010 quake.
    2071 – distributed slip
    2074 – offset channel wall
    2076 – offset channel wall and channel bottom features
    2077  - offset channel, nice scarp
    2081  - offset channel
    2082  - offset ridge line
    2086 – scarp across channel bottom
    2094 – distributed faulting with significant lateral slip
    2097 – distributed faulting across a channel bottom
    2098 – distributed faulting across a channel bottom
    2100 – distributed faulting. Note that secondary faults carried much strike slip in this area.
    2103 – distributed faulting. Note that secondary faults carried much strike slip in this area.
    2104 – 2 m scarp
    2105 – scarp with 1.9 m John Fletcher for scale
    2110 – scarps across channel
    2115 – distributed faulting along mountain front
    2120 – primary rupture climbing mountain side – this area was difficult to map (but we did!)
    2140 – scarp with only minor lateral towards southern end of rupture
    2151 – offset channel
    2152 - offset channel