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  • fialko
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    Mike, there is no problem with switching the receivers to 1 sec. sampling rate. They will fill up in ~48 hours though, so just let us know whenever your plans for the Lidar survey firm up.

    Coordinates of the currently operating sites are:

    32.355736, -115.342906 (LPUR)

    31.988395, -115.242819 (MAYR)

    Next to LPUR (~0.5 km) there is another benchmark with a GPS receiver deployed by the Riverside crew.

    Along with CGPS sites north of the border, I think this should be good enough for the Lidar survey.

  • walls
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    During the telecon tomorrow with Rick Bennet and senior management we can vet the feasibility of UNAVCO assisting in the deployment of in-house receivers.

  • oskin
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    A lidar survey, should it be funded, would be unlikely to happen any earlier than next week. Thus we can plan ahead for 1Hz GPS data collection during the survey. Is this feasible? Or should I go ahead and plan to deploy NCALM's GPS receivers?

  • bwcrowel
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    We have created an interpolated displacement movie using the real-time data collected during the earthquake from CRTN.


    For more earthquake information from SOPAC, check the GPSExplorer page at


    login:guest, pass:guest

    Brendan Crowell and Yehuda Bock

  • hauksson
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    Attached are SCSN earthquake relocations, current as of noon on Tuesday. 


  • ybock
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    I hope that we can run these stations at 1 Hz, although this is not necessary for postseismic monitoring. Perhaps, a high-rate stream can be collected in receiver and downloaded later if there is a significant event. Is there already a mechanism in place to get collected data back to the CGPS archives? -- Yehuda

  • gareth
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    My understanding is that none of the currently deployed continuously-recording sites close to the fault in Mexico are operating at 1Hz. The two stations we set up yesterday at LPUR are sampling at 30 seconds and 15 seconds; the site at MAYR is also operating at 30 seconds. The UCR units (of which 4 are currently available for campaign use in Mexico) would have to be reconfigured to record at 1 Hz, and I am not sure if our field personnel have the necessary computer software and cables with them. I do not know about the Scripps units.

  • oskin
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    This is an update of our progress on a proposal for lidar data collection along the fault rupture.

    (1) NCALM: I just got off the phone with Ramesh Shrestha. He is enthusiastic about the project. The aircraft and lidar instrument are available right away. They do not yet have an aerial photography setup but will try to borrow or purchase one in advance of a survey. We are leaning towards running the survey out of the airport at Calexico, thereby avoiding problems with importing the IMU (inertial motion unit) into Mexico.

    (2) GPS control. We need stations running at 1Hz no more than 30 km distant from the survey line. If we can use the existing stations that have been set up to study post-seismic deformation then this will be ideal. If we need to add stations then we will need to deal with bringing these across the border. Those of you running the GPS campaign - can you provide a map of continuously operating stations, both in place and planned?

    (3) Permission from Mexico. We have made contact with the Mexican cartographic agency, INEGI, through our collaborators in Mexico. We have a form in hand to request permission for the survey. There may be additional hurdles here (especially with the flight originating and returning to the U.S. without landing) but overall the level of cooperation and collaboration with Mexico has been very encouraging.

    (4) Where's the Rupture? We anxiously await the report from today's helicopter survey so that we can begin planning the geometry of the lidar survey and the budget.

    (5) Ground-based Lidar Scanning: A group from UC Davis and UC Santa Cruz may head to the field next week to image selected sites with terrestrial laser scanners. Additional groups could also make use of the UNAVCO instrument. This level of detailed scanning also awaits further reports on the nature of the ground rupture.

  • baagaard
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    The attached KML file shows the MMI values (click on the station to get PGV and PGA values) for all stations included in the ShakeMap processing. This includes many stations in the LA basin not shown on the ShakeMap intensity map. There appear to be just a few outliers (areas of locally stronger shaking).


  • phillips
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    UNAVCO’s new Leica ScanStation C10 is available.  We are investigating the insurance coverage options.  As Chris mentioned, insurance may be simplified if the PI’s institution can cover the instrument during the project.  Customs issues would have to be worked out but hopefully (I’m not sure) importing the TLS would be similar to importing UNAVCO GPS receivers.  The TLS instrument value is higher than a GPS receiver but the C10 looks just like a total station or any other survey instrument and has no IMU, etc.

  • stock
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    The attached paper is the best update on the active tectonics of the Sierra Cucupa-Sierra El Mayor area.


  • ybock
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    SOPAC has posted the coseismic offsets computed from the California Real Time Network (CRTN)-observed 1 Hz displacements waveforms. These cover the entire sourthern California region and show some interesting patterns.

    A pdf and vec file can be found at anonymous ftp://dozer.ucsd.edu/pub/public/LagunaSalada (filenames: LagunaSalada_CRTN_Coseismic.vec; LagunaSalada_CRTN_Coseis.pdf).

    These are also being posted on GPS Explorer Earthquakes portlet (http://geoapp03.ucsd.edu/gridsphere/gridsphere;jsessionid=5F4A03B92658D9...). For GPS Explorer, use guest/guest as username/password or create your own account.

    -- Yehuda Bock, Brendan Crowell

  • benthien
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    These were forwarded to me by Lou Blanck, with this subject:

          Baja Quake photos via Dick Proctor

  • brodsky
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    Yes, UCSC can send its scanner with our own insurance.



  • hough
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    I got a call from a tv station in San Diego that has gotten two phone calls about "ash and soot" coming from the ground "south of Mexicali."  This is a recent observation, not from Sunday.  Has anyone seen anything that could account for this?  (Mud volanoes?)

  • given
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    NSMP is working today to deploy 8 K2s on the US side of the border. See the attached file. Green pins mark potential sites.

  • fialko
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    Recording data as of April 5.

    Coordinates: 31.988395, -115.242819

    Same set up as LPUR.

  • herring
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

     Attached are estimates of the coseismic offsets based on geodetic data 24 hours before and after the Baja earthquake.  These are an update with more stations from the result  I posted last night.
    The .pdf figure is a plot of the results.  


  • arrowsmi
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    Mueller and Rockwell 1995 Figure 1 has some useful geography (excerpted here). Also I am including the pdf of their paper which shows the tectonic geomorphology of the Laguna Salada Fault along the southwest side of the Sierra la Cucupa nicely in their mapping and other observations.

  • hudnut
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    For everyone's reference to see the request, here is a scan of the letter, signed by LTC Villatoro, Director of the Baja State Police.

    Please find attached two scan files -- these files are page 1 and page 2 of the letter received earlier today.


  • hudnut
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    v.5 at 2:00 am on April 6:

    The magnitude 7.2 Sierra El Mayor earthquake of Sunday April 4th 2010, occurred in northern Baja California, approximately 40 miles south of the Mexico-USA border at shallow depth along the principal plate boundary between the North American and Pacific plates. This is an area with a high level of historical seismicity, and also it has recently been seismically active, though this is the largest event to strike in this area since 1892. The 4 April earthquake appears to have been larger than the M 6.9 earthquake in 1940 or any of the early 20th century events (e.g., 1915 and 1934) in this region of northern Baja California.

    At the latitude of the earthquake, the Pacific plate moves northwest with respect to the North America plate at about 1.8 inches per year. The principal plate boundary in northern Baja California consists of a series of northwest-trending strike-slip (transform) faults that are separated by pull-apart basins. The faults are distinct from, but parallel to, strands of the San Andreas fault system. The April 4 main-shock occurred along a strike-slip segment of the plate boundary that coincides with the southeastern part of the Laguna Salada fault system. It is a complex event that may have begun with east-down motion along faults on the eastern edge of the Sierra El Mayor, then progressed to the northwest with oblique slip, that is, a combination of lateral shift to the right and also east-down motion. Overall, the location and focal-mechanism of the earthquake are consistent with the shock having occurred on this fault system. We have received initial measurements from field geologists from the Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada, BC. (CICESE) who have observed surface rupture associated with the 2010 event at 32.578621° ; -115.725814°. Highway 2 was offset at this location by a total of about 1.2 meters across a zone of fractures that offset the road towards the right, and with the east side also dropping downwards. Aftershocks appear to extend in both directions along this fault system from the epicenter of the 4 April 2010 event. The aftershock zone extends from near the northern tip of the Gulf of California to 6 miles northwest of the Mexico-USA border.

    Earthquakes having magnitudes as high as 7 have been historically recorded from the section of the Pacific/North American plate boundary on which the 4 April 2010 earthquake occurred. The 1892 earthquake occurred along the Laguna Salada fault system, but surface offsets associated with the 1892 event lie farther northwest than the 4 April 2010 mainshock's epicenter. The 2010 event's aftershock zone extends to the northwest, overlapping with the portion of the fault system that is thought to have ruptured in 1892. The 1940 Imperial Valley earthquake approached magnitude 7, though it occurred farther to the north and on the Imperial fault. Both the 1892 and 1940 earthquakes were associated with extensive surface faulting. An event of M 7.0 or 7.1 occurred in this region in 1915, and then a M 7.0 to 7.2 in 1934 broke the Cerro Prieto fault with up to several meters of surface slip.

    In the vicinity of the 4 April 2010 earthquake, there are several active faults and it has not yet been determined specifically which fault the earthquake occurred on. Within the transition from the ridge-transform boundary in the Gulf of California to the continental transform boundary in the Salton Trough, faulting is complex. Most of the major active faults are northwest-southeast oriented right-lateral strike-slip faults that are common in mechanism to the San Andreas fault and parallel Elsinore and San Jacinto faults, that run north of the Mexico-USA border.

  • ybock
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    We've created a GPS Explorer portlet for the Sierra El Mayor earthquake with information from the Califorrnia Real Time Network (CRTN), and are currently populating it with real-time 1 Hz GPS information as they become available (1 Hz RINEX data, raw relative displacements, total displacement waveforms, various plots, map interface). GPS Explorer requires a login and password (you can use guest, guest or create your own user account - the latter is better since you can your session is saved and you can return to it later). Once you login, go to Earthquakes tab. -- Yehuda Bock

  • walls
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    Yuri, Congratulations on getting this up and running!  Would you mind sending a separate email with any viable information such as: access, land ownership, photos?  Thank you, Chris.  walls@unavco.org, 303-775-2159

  • fialko
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    Site LPUR has a GPS receiver that is recording with 30 sec sampling interval. We plan to keep it running for a few months (or until PBO installs new continuous sites).

  • fialko
    2010.04.04 - El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake   14 years 37 weeks ago

    Here is a photo of surface rupture across mex. Hwy 2.
