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It looks like the next ALOS images spanning parts of the event could be acquired on the 20th and 25th of this month - will try to contact JAXA to determine whether they are planning on acquiring this data.
Tom, can you follow this up in the thread that Kate is using (towards the bottom of the page)? She is flying out to the Mojave.
The attached file shows predicted displacements for the M7 Salton Sea aftershock.
Thanks Kate. I'll alert Rockwell that you're doing so.
Ken Hudnut has sent them via USGS TACHYON (portable satellite internet unit). See attached.
Tom, I am able to link in here from Connecticut. I made contact with Greg A and NSF is prepared to help with collecting perishable data, but we should be ready to use funds remaining in your director's reserve and other USC funds to get SCEC scientists in the field now. John
We're getting a long list of separate threads. Perhaps the event info should be within a single thread?
Tom - you probably felt this, but there was a large aftershock - looks to have been southward rupturing (towards Brawley) and perhaps as large as M 7. There may be more surface rupture to survey in that direction (see the USGS shakemap near the bottom of the earthquake response webpage).
You should be posting your comments as replies to my original message "SCEC Inter-organizational coordination". That keeps them under the same thread. Your last two have been posted as new threads.
This looks like a large -southward directed event - probably large enough for surface rupture. We ought to account for this in our response.
Shakemap attached
Mike, can use use replys to my first posting "SCEC Inter-Organizational Coordination" for Reston coordination with SCEC? This will keep messages in that thread, which helps in monitoring correspondence.
I'll (get on a plane and) head towards the Mojave section / Palmdale field meeting site. Have 2 GeoXHs. As suggested in the plan, it would be nice to have topo and the field forms already loaded!
Yes - It works as long as we add .txt (or .jpg, etc) to the attachment, it just won't accept .kml. I'll remember to remind folks about this in a few days after things settle down- last time we just let it drop.
Will you be able to participate in 12:30 pm communication test?
Is 1:30 pm still a good time for the science coordination call?
Mike will be offline for another hour or so, and Dolan is in the field as well - not sure when we'll hear from him. There are meeting site pre-arranged - perhaps the next step would be for your crew(s) to head out to them in order to be close?
Attached is a plot of predicted surface displacements, including vertical displacements, for this event.
We'll use this thread to discuss inter-agency corrdination. You stay in the same thread using "reply" to a comment. By the way, media coverage has been excellent, and over 6.9 million people were registered before the event.
I have temporary internet through a portable tachyon unit here, and have just checked in on the SCEC CMS.
We will be back in touch throughout the day, thanks for having the SCEC CMS up and going.
Right now, we are doing assessments of seismic and geodetic network performance, getting initial results updated, etc.
My Iridium phone is set up and with me here for incoming calls as well.
Thanks for doing this. The kmz problem is something we'll have to work out. Keep us posted on UNAVCO's response, and if I can do anything to help.
Mike - I have seven graduate students in three 4WD vehicles ready to head to the field. Finalizing logistics now - will be self-sufficient for 2-3 days. Have total station and differential GPS, along with two field tablet cmputers. How are you planning to coordinate the field effort?
Rowena and I are coordinating deployment of people to make campaign GPS measurements. USGS Menlo Park will be sending a crew of 5 people to southern California ASAP to reoccupy sites in the area. We are coordinating with UNAVCO to obtain additional GPS instruments and will be coordinating with southern California institutions for additional field volunteers. Attached is a Google Earth file showing potential sites to reoccupy. (Note, we had to add .txt to the end of the filename in order for it to upload to the website.)
Did you find the "file attachments" button at the bottom of the "reply to comment" page? It's pretty small.
I made one for you. Just hit the "comment" button.